Our hometown is famous for BBQs, not celebrities, biking, surfing, or subways. Boulevard earns loyal fans on our reputation for innovation, quality and authenticity. Single-Wide IPA is the perfect representation of a modern American IPA; generously dry-hopping with Centennial, Simcoe and Citra hops adds fresh citrus aroma and flavour to the traditional moderately sweet toasty malt flavour and big hop bitterness. Introduced in 2009 as our first IPA in the core line-up.
HopsBravo, Zeus, Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe and Citra
MaltsPale, Munich, Wheat, Cara 50 and Amber
StyleIndia Pale Ale
Format330ml bottle
OriginKansas City, Missouri, USA
Tasting NotesA golden-coloured beer with a prominent flowery, citrusy hop aroma, a moderate caramel malt flavour
and a dominant hop bitterness and flavour.
AccompanimentsWorks best with Chinese, Indian, pepper, garlic, beef, pork, Mexican and BBQ
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