This American IPA is a salute to the original 13 states of America and the 13 Gun salute made on the
very first Independence Day. One of the 1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die (Adrian Tierney-Jones). A challenging but drinkable, intensely hoppy US IPA with malty flavours mixed into the flavour profile in a classic way. Mixing Pale, Crystal, Munich, Caramalt and Rye malts in the mash tun and then hopping the boiling wort with US hop varieties Centennial, Citra, Amarillo and Apollo
HopsHerkules, Citra, Chinook, Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo and Kohatu
MaltsPale, Crystal, Dark Crystal, Caramalt, Munich and Pale Rye
StyleAnglo American India Pale Ale
Format330ml can
OriginBlackburn, England
Tasting NotesIntensely hoppy US style IPA, with malty base flavours, intense hop character with mango and passion fruit aroma and taste. Mix of 5 American hops.
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